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Bridget Jones's Baby Review - 3 Stars

I didn't expect much from the latest Bridget Jones adventure. After all, the series started fifteen years ago, and the sequel that followed flopped. Plus, Rene Zellweger hasn't made a movie in years. This didn't sound like a recipe for success. So I'm surprised to report that I laughed and found this reboot thoroughly enjoyable. This episode finds Zellweger as Bridget, a little older and now alone after breaking up with Colin Firth (AKA Mr. Darcy.)  Now 43 - and let me insert here, that it's nice to see a story centered on a woman in her 40's - Bridget takes a fling at a weekend glamour camping event and winds up in the sack with American millionaire Patrick Dempsey. A few days later, she runs into Firth and again, magic happens. Suddenly, she's pregnant and we're not sure who's the father or how this will play out; but thanks to some very funny writing (some of it by co-star Emma Thompson who plays Bridget's no-nonsense OB-GYN) and a wonderful sight gag on the way to the hospital, "Bridget Jones' Baby" is great fun. Missing from the action is Hugh Grant, who figured prominently in the original; but the filmmakers even come up with a surprise to involve him. Sometimes low expectations pay off. Does it deliver what it promises? Update of a 15-year-old comedy. Is it entertaining? Surprisingly funny. Is it worth the price of admission? Just for the fun of it.
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