I. Take turns asking each other the following questions:
A: Have you met someone who you hated right away even though you didn’t know them? How was it?
B: Do you make first impressions based on what people wear? How?
A: Do you make first impressions based on people's hairstyle or tattoos? Give examples.
B: What kind of impression do you think you make with your clothes? Is it the same you want to show when you choose what you will wear?
A: Do you try to make a different first impression now than you did in high school?
B: Have you ever tried to make a great first impression but completely messed it up?
A: In what jobs do people have to make very quick decisions based on first impressions?
B: What first impressions do you think someone should make in a job interview? How should this person act?
A: What kind of first impression do you try to make when you go to a party?
B: What kind of first impression do you try to make when you go on a first date with someone you are interested?
II. Watch the movie segment and observe what kind of first impression each one of them want to make on their first date, and what were the first impressions they actually made.
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