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5 Movies on an Island Blogathon

Monday, May 16th marks the second annual National Classic Movie Day. As part of this year's festivities, the Classic Film & TV Cafe will host the 5 Movies on an Island Blogathon. 

As it name implies, the intent is for participants to write about the five classic movies they'd want to have with them if stranded on a deserted island. (Yes, you can assume you have electricity, a projector, big screen, and popcorn!) These might be your all-time five favorite movies. Or, you might mix in some "comfort films" to give your tropical habitat that desired "homey feel." Just be sure to describe your criteria when you list your five films. 

If you wish to participate, please send your blog's name and web address in an e-mail to: rick@classicfilmtvcafe.com. Do not send your list of five films; Rick will publish a link to the list on your blog. Please ensure that your list of five films is published no later than May 15th. Thatwill give Rick a day to add all the links.

Hope you can participate! You can view the continually updated schedule at 
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